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Brake Motors

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Brake motors are ideal for applications that require immediate, accurate and safe stops, position control and energy saving. The brake motor is suitable for many different applications, such as load elevators, hoists, shears, machining equipment, looms, packaging machines, conveyors, washing and bottling machines, bending machines, among others.

The brake motors are simple & rugged & so easy for maintenance. No separate DC supply is required as the rectifier is provided which gives the required DC voltage for energisation of the brake. The rectifier is mounted inside the main terminal box so no separate terminal box required.

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* To embrace new technologies and methods. * To give unsurpassed products and services to the clients. * To constantly look for improvement and changes.

Site Designed & Maintained by Aman Infotech
Ac Induction Motor, Ac Motor, Ac Motors, Aluminium In Line Connectors, Aluminium Long Barrel Lugs, Aluminium Reducer Terminals, Armoured Cables, Automotive Cables, Bimetalic Lugs, Brake Motor, Brake Motors, C. A. C. A. C. A. C. W. H. V. Motors, Cast Resin Transformers, Coaxial Cables, Compact Substation, Concrete Vibrator Motor, Cooling Tower Motor, Cooling Tower Motors, Copper Terminals Heavy Duty With Inspection Hole, Crane Duty Cage Motors, Crane Duty Motor, Crane Duty Motors, Crane Heavy Duty Electric Motor, Crane Heavy Duty Motor, Dc Motors, Double Compression Weather Proof And Flame Proof Cable Glands, Double Geared Motor, Dual Speed Motor, Dual Voltage Motor, Duel Break Motors, Duel Speed Motors, Electric Cables, Electric Power Motor, Electrical Motors Dealers, Electrical Motors Mfgrs, Energy Efficient Motors, Extra High Voltage Cables, Fhp Motors, Flame Proof Motors, Flange Motors, Flange Mounted Motors, Flange Mounting Motor, Flange Type Vertical Brake Motor, Flexible Cable, Floor Mill Domestic Motor, Floor Mill Motor, Floor Washing Motor, Floor Washing Single Phase Motor, Foot Flange Mounted Motor, Foot Mounted Motors, Frequency Electric Motor, Frequency Motor, Furnace Duty Transformers, Gear Motor, High Tension Cables, Hoist Heavy Duty Motor, Hoist Motors, Induction Motors, Inline Helical Geared Motors, Instrumentation Cables, Insulated Wires, Jewellery Electric Motor, Jewellery Motor, L. E. D. Lighting For Homes And Offices, L. E. D. Lighting For Industrial Areas, L. E. D. Lighting For Outdoor Areas, Led Lights, Light Duty Cables, Low Tension Cables, Low Tension P. V. C. Cables, Low Vibration Motor, Lugs And Glands, Marine Heavy Duty Motor, Motors, Oil Filled Distribution Transformers, One Rpm Double Geared Motor, Optical Cables, Polishing Motor, Power Cables, Power Transformers, Premium Efficiency Motor, Pvc Cables, Pvc Insulated Cables, Rerolling Mill Duty Motors, Ring Motor, Ring Type Fork Type Pin Type Terminals, Sector Lugs, Single Compression Heavy Duty Cable Glands, Single Phase B56 Type Motor, Single Phase Induction Motor, Single Phase Light Weight Motor, Single Phase Motors, Slip Ring Motor, Slipring Motors, Smoke Spill Motor, Solar Cables, Special Cables, Special Purpose Flange Mounting Motor, Special Purpose Single Phase Motor, Stepper Motor, Stepping Motor, T. E. F. C. Squirrel Cage Induction H. V. Motors, Three Phase Induction Motor, Three Phase Motors, Torque Electric Motor, Torque Motor, Torque Motors, Transformers, Vertical Brake Motor, Vibrator Motor, Vibratory Motors, Voltage Electric Motor, Voltage Motor, Wires